After first diagnosing discrepancies in the interlinked chain of rotational motion (ICRM) we use acupuncture with movement and specially designed exercises to help with a wide array of physical ailments. We call this Dynamic ROTO Therapy.
By looking closely at the skill sets of various kinds of athletes and martial artists, we can see that basically, all forms of physical movement depend greatly on our rotational chain of motion.
Any form of twisting is one of two possible rotational movements. The first is where the body twists in a forward direction with flexion at the hips. This is called the PRONO kinetic chain. The flow of movement is; arm → shoulder blade → head → torso → opposite side leg, where movement goes from the upper body downwards through the body until eventually, the person will topple forwards.
The second form of rotation entails hyper-extension at the hips. This is called the SUPINO kinetic chain. Here the chain of motion starts from the lower limbs upwards to the opposing arm and the body naturally arches backwards and can topple backwards. We can easily integrate both of these theories of rotation with our acupuncture treatment.
All physical ailments can be treated as a discrepancy in the body`s rotational chain of motion by first recognizing changes in posture or movements. Depending on the severity of the discrepancy, not only can we diagnose problems with mobility but also other ailments for which the same symptom(S) can be inherent.
The word ROTO comes from the word to rotate. Dynamic ROTO Therapy targets all problems with rotational movement caused by the body`s fascia.
This method of treatment does not rely on the subjective findings of the individual practitioner but rather, is based on a number of fixed “rules” which, if adhered to properly, will ensure a successful therapeutic effect.
Dynamic ROTO Therapy (dia.3) is a system of therapy which uses rotational movement with acupuncture (ACU-KINESIS) and the Dynamic ROTO Stretches. These stretches are easy-to-do exercises which also utilize rotational science. Furthermore, for manual and movement therapists, the Dynamic ROTO Eccentric Exercises (now being finalized) will further expand the scope for possible treatments.